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发表于 2022-9-20 18:49:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《只此青绿》的难度在于,它的动作非常写意,节奏很碎且快,但串在一起又很流畅,staccato, quick yet also flowing.它不同于以往单纯的像《杜甫》这样的古典舞剧或《永不消逝的电波》这样的现代舞剧,韩真对《只此青绿》的定位是舞蹈诗剧dance-poem drama。何为诗剧呢?从网络上搬运一段定义:
The poetic drama shares the same origin with literature. Nine Songs, which came out in the pre-QIN period of China, can be considered the earliest form of poetic drama.The Yuan Opera can also be regarded as a readable and performable poetic drama. The poetic drama not only carries strong poetic sentiments, but also has dramatic storylines and scenes.
再回到《只此青绿》。这部诗剧的灵感来源于一幅名画《千里江山图》A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains,有的信源也意译为Picture of Vast Land。这幅名画出自北宋少年画家王希孟之手,时年仅18岁。青绿是这幅画卷的主色调,《只此青绿》诗剧服装舞美的主色调便基于此。


The dance-poem drama Thousands Miles of Mountains and Rivers is a “poetic drama” that comprises a number of parts including “Scroll Unfolding, Seal Script Asking, Silk Singing, Stone Search, Penmanship Practice, Ink Milling and Drawing”. The audience will follow a modern researcher from the Palace Museum, i.e., from the perspective of the scroll opener, to roam through the legendary traditional Chinese aesthetic charm.
Roam: to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction 徜徉;闲逛;漫步
[ V often + adv./prep.]
The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land. 绵羊可以在这片地上自由走动。
[ VN]
to roam the countryside/the streets, etc. 在乡间漫步、逛街等

The whole drama boasts a narrative structure constructed by the time-space crisscrossing technique. The story is set in the days when the Picture of Vast Land is about to be exhibited in reality, and the days when the teen painter WANG Ximeng was about to finish his drawing a thousand years ago. Having delved into the Picture of Vast Land, the opener walked into the heart of Ximeng and stayed with him when he drew the Picture of Vast Land in those precious days. Sharing the same feeling with this talented youngster, whose life experience is just recorded in a few words, the opener figured out the occasional and necessary causes why the Picture of Vast Land could be peerless for about one thousand years, thereby understanding the emotional ties between treasured national cultural relics and modern people.
时空交错 time-space crisscrossing

set这个词都知道哈?我们在翻译思路拆解 | 高考人物特写:小镇做题家刘嘉森 中提到过这个词。故事发生在什么地方什么时候,我们经常用set:The novel is set in London in the 1960s. 这部小说以20世纪60年代的伦敦为背景。

delve into sth.: to try hard to find out more information about sth 探索;探究;查考
She had started to delve into her father's distant past. 她开始探究她父亲久已逝去的岁月。
“独步”的意思是超出群伦,天下第一。“独步千载”就是千百年来都是第一,peerless for one thousand years.

To be outlined on the stage is a thick-stratified picturesque scene: A bright moon has shone for a thousand years, with the opener and Ximeng staring at each other; with assiduity, the cultural workers of the Palace Museum have worked with the industrious ancient craftsmen in creating a vivid humanistic picture scroll.
Stratified分层,ADJ A stratified society is one that is divided into different classes or social layers. (社会)分化为不同阶层的
...a highly stratified, unequal and class-divided society. ...一个高度等级分化的不平等社会。

  • 句式复合形容词作定语的,比如:
    a never-to-be-forgotten day (永远不会忘记的日子), the still-to-be-discovered elements (有待发现的元素)
  • 由名词加形容词构成的复合形容词:
    maintenance-free (无需维修的), toll-free (不交费的), interest-free (无息的)
  • 由动名词加形容词构成的复合形容词
    smoking-hot (滚烫的,热气腾腾的) soaking-wet , wringing-wet (湿淋淋的), biting-cold , freezing-cold (冷得刺骨的,冰冷的)
  • 由形容词加形容词构成的复合形容词:
    wet-cold (湿冷的), bitter-sweet (又苦又甜的)
  • 重叠词:
    tick-tock (时钟的滴答声), flip-flop (脚趾夹着的拖鞋)


Assiduity: constant or close attention to what one is doing 勤奋,刻苦,孜孜不倦,专注
Assiduity with which he could wear down his enemies 他那足以拖垮对手的刻苦精神

近义词包括industry,是的,你没有看错,industry也有勤劳的意思,比如昨天除夕夜,厨房成了最忙碌的地方 the kitchen became a hive of industry.


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